Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Peer response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Peer response - Assignment Example Fracking indeed has various perspectives from which it can be viewed. Whereas some see fracking as a very important aspect considering its benefits to both economy and countries, others on the contrary, believe that indeed fracking is unethical, and therefore, should be stopped as it is the greatest contributor towards the frequent occurrences of earthquakes in regions that constantly experience fracking. In spite the truth associated with the argument that fracking is beneficial to the economy, it is argued that such is a one-sided argument and one that lacks any scientific proof. Ideally, fracking involves a number of processes that cause the land and surrounding environment to look ugly. Despite the little truth associated with such a perspective, it is evidently clear that such a point of view is self-centered and attributed to an individual’s opinion and one that lacks any scientific support. A similar perspective is observed on matters pertaining to autism. Evidently, on aspects pertaining to the vaccination of autism, opposing viewpoints have been realized. On the non-scientific approach to the issue, many people have been left scared on the aspects involved in the vaccination process of autism, which has contributed towards the deaths of many children. Provision of autism cure would ideally be the greatest achievement of both researchers and parents towards taking care of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Single Party States Notes Essay Example for Free

Single Party States Notes Essay Single Party States notes From: Topic 3- Themes and Exams Tips Chapter: â€Å"Origins and development of authoritarian and single party states† â€Å"What constitutes an authoritarian or single-party state? † Country or state to be classed as an authoritarian or single party state: * Only one legal political party A leader chosen by or from the military following a revolution * Group or leader that controls the state even though there are existing parties * Jean Kirkpatrick (US ambassador-United Nations) once expressed that authoritarian state was â€Å"better than† a totalitarian state- a chance that it would move towards democracy (p. o. v expressed during the Cold War) Characteristics in common- authoritarian or single-party: * Little-no freedom of speech * No freedom of: * Assembly (government must approve meetings) * To travel abroad No idependent judicial system * All sources of information censored * Any idea against the regime will be harshly punished (opposition to them) * â€Å"A leader whose popularity is reinforced by personality cult† Not all states the share charactersistcs some are less oppressive but they all share the strict control over the freedom of the people and use different methods to hold on to power. The age of Kings and Emperors ended with WWI 20th century one of the bloodiest century in history- includes 2 major world wars Left and right wing: Left- wing: Describes the single party, leaders and states that are communist or socialist. Example: Nasser, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Neyerere Right wing: Most fascist leaders of the 20th century began their political careers as members of socialist parties. Fascist leaders and states – right wing Examples: Hitler, Mussoluni and Franco Policies supportive of capitalism as an economic system, ultra nationalist, some cases they promoted religion as a way to unite the people. Right wing ideologies| Left wing ideologies| Facism (in Italy and Nazism-Germany) * Socialist (intended to appeal lower classes) * Strongly nationalistic and considered communism to be a threat| * Widespread ideology (20th C) was communism * â€Å"All people are equal† * â€Å"No private property to protect† * Will to bring the ideal state| Socialism: Characteristics: redistribution of wealth through taxation, the state owns the major industries like coal and steel, the state owns the â€Å"mon opolies† such as the water, transportation and communications, free education and health care for all. This criterion became known as ‘welfare state’. (Gov. hould control ensure the basic standard living for al citizens) Stages of communism: 1) Primitive communisms: â€Å"No monopoly over the means of production† 2) Feudalism: â€Å"Agricultural-based communities developed into kingdoms and powerful rulers took ownership of the land and the people who farmed it† 3) Capitalism: â€Å"commercial activities- trading in manufactured goods† 4) Communism: no private properties, people contribute with their skills, taking only what they needed. No laws to protect wealth and property From States, Governments and Ideologies: The State: * Sovereign state: is independent of all others Way in which is governed- Constitution: basic laws- lay down the power and duties of many institutions and officials of government * Rule of law * Arbitrary government * Sovereignty * States -3 kinds: Unitary states, federal and confederations * Held state – embodies the nation and represents it * Monarchy, republic * Legitimacy, device right of kings (constitutional monarchs) president (republic state) Government: * â€Å"Those persons and institution of state which exercise the power in accordance with the constitution† * Head of the state head of the government (prime ministers) * Executive, cabinet Legislative—making laws (unicameral, bicameral) * Separation of powers, presidential system of government, parliamentary system of government Changes of Government By legal means: (elections) majority system and proportional system—coalition By force: rebellion, revolution, provisional government, co nstituent assembly, new constitution, and peaceful revolution Political Ideologies:( framework theories) Implicit ideologies (propaganda designed etc) * Conservatism * Liberalism Reformist Ideologies: critique of existing society, describe the ideal society would be like, prescriptions from the living situation to the ideal * Socialism: reaction to injustices of the capitalist economic system (social democrats, syndicalist, revolutionary socialists) Marxism: â€Å"an industrialized society, the working class would revolt and take over the ruling class, and would in effect, create a classes society * Anarchism: fight against the order, don’t want any authority Incomplete Ideologies: * Racism * Nationalism * Social Darwinism From: Authoritarianism, Fascism and Totalitarianism Authoritarianism,| Fascism| Totalitarianism| * Ruled by threat or fear * â€Å"Black or white† posture (in or out) * Outlawed the opposition * Enforce their control by torture, execution, etc. * Motivated by patriotism * Resorting law and order * Defending country against the threat of Bolshevism * Leading a regeneration of the nation * Employed and censored the media| * Lower middle class radicalism * Deliberate diversion of the workers * Radical populist solution to the problem of restoring the â€Å"hegemony† of the dominant class| * Subordinate all aspects od the individual’s life to the authority of the gov. Official ideology * Single mass party * Terroristic police control of the population * Monopoly control of the media * Monopoly control of the arms * Central control of the economyâ€Å"worthless- creation of Cold War propaganda- designed to tie the Soviet system together with that of the Nazis† – some historians|

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Discrimination on the Border :: Essays Papers

Discrimination on the Border Introduction For over 250,000 women that work in Mexico’s maquiladora sectors the lack of enforced labor laws is a harsh reality. They are discriminated against because of their gender. The Mexican government fails to recognize and enforce the labor laws that protect women from pregnancy testing and other discriminatory treatment. Unfortunately, this isn’t the only problem. The companies that own these factories are also to blame for their lack of interest in their employees’ rights. The Mexican government fails to recognize the problem and so do the owners of these maquiladoras. Why does Pregnancy Discrimination occur? There are many reasons that pregnancy discrimination occurs. Most of them are financially related. Many employers of maquiladoras say that they do not hire pregnant women because â€Å"they want to avoid the cost of maternity benefits (HRW).† Under Mexico’s federal labor code pregnant workers are allowed 6 weeks paid maternity leave before birth and 6 weeks after. While on maternity leave, women have the right to keep their jobs as well as the other rights they have acquired under their labor contract. Maquiladora operators also claim that women are â€Å"not really seeking work, but company funded maternity benefits (HRW).† Maquiladora employers also state that â€Å"paying for an employee that is on maternity leave and not working isn’t a financially sound arrangement for a company (HRW).† Pregnancy discrimination not only violates Mexico’s Constitution and Federal Labor codes but also many international laws as well. The Mexican government has signed and agreed to follow rules of the International Labor office, which prohibits pregnancy as a form of sex discrimination. Mexico is also a partner in the North American Free Trade Agreement that governs the North American Agreement of Labor Cooperation (NAALC), which obligates Mexico to promote the elimination of sex discrimination (ILAB Press Release). Under NAFTA, Mexico voluntarily signed an agreement to the NAFTA labor rights side agreement. This agreement allows all signatories to have their labor practices reviewed by other NAAFA parties. This also allows all allegations to be analyzed by the NAO and committees to be formed to work with countries to resolve their labor problems (HRW). As it was shown, Mexico has many severe problems with gender discrimination in the maquiladora sector. These women have the right to work and be treated equally without the humiliation of frequent pregnancy testing and the verbal and physical abuse put on them by their supervisors.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Key Enm4

ENM411 Market leader –Upper-Intermediate 1 UNIT 1-7 Listening |SPRING2010 |SUM2011 |FALL2011 |SPRING2012 | | | Midterm: Builder Higher Test 2, Part 1, Part 2 Cambridge BEC Higher 1- Test 1, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 1, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 1- Test 2, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 4, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 4, Test 3, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 4, Test 3, Part 3 Final Exam Cam Higher 3-Test 3, Part 1 Builder Higher Test 2, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 2, Test 1, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, test 2, Part 3Cambridge BEC Higher 1- Test 3, Part 1 Vantage Builder, Test 2, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 2, Test 3, Part 1 Cambridge Pass Vantage Self-study, Test 1, Part 3 Resit Pass Vantage self study- Test 2, Part 1, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 2, Test 2, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 3, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 1- Test 4, Part 1 Pass Vantage self-study, Test 1, Part 3 Cambridge Builder Higher, Test 1, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 4, Test 4, Par t 3 WRTITING Midterm: Your Managing Director is considering how to improve the company’s internal communications, Write a proposal for the Managing Director:Final: Midterm: An international fund is offering grants to small businesses to improve their facilities. Write a letter FE: Your company is considering appointing someone as your assistant,Write a report for your manager, describing: Resit: The graph below shows the profit and loss made on three new products (A, B and C) in the year following their introduction to the market. Using the information from the graph, write a short report READING Midterm Pass Cambridge BEC Higher Selfstudy p. 33 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 3 Part 2, p. 60 Cambridge BEC Higher 1, Test 1 Part 3, p. 22. Control Key and Word – Text and Graphics.Cambridge BEC Vantage 3, Test 1 Part 4 Cambridge BEC Higher 2, Test 1 Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 2 Part 3, Cambridge BEC Vantage 4, Test 1 Part 4 Cambridge BEC Higher 1, Test 2, Part 1 V antage Self study, Test 2, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 1, Test 3, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 1, test 2, part 4 Final BEC Vantage Masterclass Unit 4, Workbook p. 10 Cambridge BEC Higher 2, Test 1, part 2, p. 20 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 4 Part 3, p. 82 Cambridge BEC Vantage 4, Test 4 Part 4 Cambridge BEC Higher 1, Test 1 Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 1 Part 3, Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, Test 2, Part 4Cambridge BEC Higher 2, Test 3, Part 1 Pass BEC Vantage Self-study, Test 2, Part 3 Cambridge BEC Higher 4, Test 3, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 4, Test 2, Part 4 Resit Cambridge BEC Vantage Self-study, Test 1, Part 4, P. 24 Cambridge BEC Vantage 2, test 1 part 2, p. 20 Cambridge BEC higher 2, test 2, part 3 p. 30 Cambridge BEC Vantage Self Study, Test 4 Part 4 Cambridge BEC Higher 4, Test 4, Part 1 Cambridge BEC Vantage 3, Test 1 Part 3 Cambridge BEC Vantage Self study, Test 3, Part 4 Cambridge BEC Higher 4, Test 3, Part 1 Vantage Self study, Test 3, Part 3 (used) Builder High er , Test 1, part 1Pass BEC Vantage Self study, Test 2, part 4 Grammar and Vocabulary Progress Test 1 + Midterm block 1 + Final Exam + Resit MC Unit 1 This invention reduced production time by a†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of months, and Freudenberg consequently became one of the biggest tanneries in Europe. issue problem trouble matter Installing an automated system means data is now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ only once but can be access by anyone in the company. penetrated entered put placed I have received numerous complaints that Meetup is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ people with unwanted emails. bombarding falling pouring flowing When †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ , effective communicators are good at giving information. peak speaking spoken to speak The manager recommends †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ email only three times a day, allocating a set period of time to deal with it. checking to check check checked If you say something under your †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦, you whisper or say it very quietly. mouth ears tongue breath It is easy to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ t he difference between the banknotes used in the country. say speak tell talk Good communicators do not ramble and lose †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of the main message. meaning light sense sight A †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ person always keeps his or her attention fixed on what he or she wants to achieve. uninhibited focused eloquent succinctWhen somebody is dismissed from the job, we can say that they have†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ got the boot got the shoe got the sandal got the slipper He was unable to express his disagreement although he is generally †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. amicable assertive accessible agreeable Identifying the subgroups within an organization and making sure each group feels valued and respected can do †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ more to encourage the sharing of information. further far many lot Good communicators make their †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ clearly and avoid technical terms, abbreviation or jargons. points means thought perceptions Not all politicians are eloquent. Some of them even use an†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ autocue notepad sticker auto noteInstalling an automated system means data is now †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ only once but can be accessed by anyone in the company, wherever they are. paced registered admitted entered 1. Good communicators maintain eye contact and have a relaxed body language when speaking; they really take in what people say. in on at up 2. The speakers went on and on and did not get to the point. I had no idea of what they were rambling about. Rambling digressing interrupting engaging 3. Good communicators sometimes digress and leave the main point to add information and details. However, they will not ramble and lose sight of the main message. Confuse digress explain larify 4. It's useful to allocate a set period of time to process your inbox, rather than checking it sporadically throughout the day. Allocate indicate deliver distribute 5. The company’s advertising emphasizes that it provides a personal health service tailored to the individual needs. Met tailored satisfied fixed 6. A brave new world is a world in which society has been transformed by technology and science. Brave progressive modern courageous 7. It is easy to tell the difference between the banknotes in the US and the UK. Say tell speak ask 8. He would like to know whether he stands a chance of getting promoted or not.Hang on a second. I am afraid that we are duplicating work because I also asked my department to do this. Copying duplicating wasting imitating 9. Breakdown in communication can bring the world to a halt today. Stop halt cancel interruption 10. If something is in the air, you feel that it is happening or about to happen. air sky hand atmosphere 11. The†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. articulate people express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly so that almost everyone can understand. Responsive eloquent persuasive articulate 12. He seems so uninhibited here. He behaves and speaks freely and does not care what other people may think. Incoherent rticulate uninhibited inarticulate 13. By creat ing a relaxed atmosphere, good presenters can easily establish rapport for the audience. And a good rapport, as many presenters will tell you, is half the battle. Set up form establish find 14. The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry Percussions discussion recession repercussions Extra Disruptive technology is a new technology, such as computers and Internet, which has rapid and major effect on technologies that existed before. The tariff for something is a list of prices, especially ones which vary according to the time or day of use.When somebody is dismissed from the job, we can say that they have Got the boot Got the shoe Got the sandal Got the slipper A lazy employee who only pretends to work is said to be Swinging the lead Fillblank 1. If something is in the a(ir/air), you feel that it is happening or about to happen. 2. Information o(verload/overload) means that decisions about what to read amongst thousands of potential books and articles i s a highly problematic task. 3. I can’t make head or t(ail/tail) of that badly written report. 4. If you give somebody a low-d(own/down) you tell them all the information they need to know. . If you a(ir/air) your views, you express your opinions about something in public. 6. Despite his great s(ense/sense) of humor, he often find it difficult to respond to his audience. 7. â€Å"R(edundancy/redundancy)† is the situation when someone loses their job because their employer does not need them. 8. Good presenters establish good r(apport/rapport) with the audience. 9. A(rticulation/articulation) is the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech. 10. An open p(lan/plan) office is the one which has few or no walls inside, so it is not divided into smaller rooms. 11.A l(ine/line) manager is a person with direct managerial responsibility for a particular employee. 12. Internal communication can be one of the hardest nuts to c(rack/crack) in business. I am not sure whethe r or not I s(tand/stand) a chance of being promoted soon. As he couldn’t attend the meeting, she is giving a summary of the main point to put him in the p(icture/picture). If you are at a l(oss/loss) for words, you are unable to say anything because something surprising or totally unexpected has happened. If someone drops a h(int/hint), he or she makes a suggestion in an indirect way. Unit 2In the short term, firms may experience increased risk and decreasing profits when†¦.. going international. Going Traveling Cruising Arriving The main target of the anti-globalization movement is corporate power, not capitalism, but these perspectives do not necessarily exclude one another. progress Movement Arrival Motion Because of the budget†¦. , this year's focus has been to add value to increase sales without impacting gross profit margin. lack emptiness constraints complications We †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ out promotional activities for various companies in the internet through class ified websites. bring take make carryPeople in Chile prefer instant coffee †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ freshly brewed. to with for about Even the most †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ differences in consumer profile of a Columbian and a Venezuelan will not have been lost in Starbucks. illusive catchy gentle subtle In order to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ competitive advantage, companies will try to make their products and services stand out from their competitors’. insure secure sure certain Marketers need to be aware of the buying behavior of †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and potential customers. present existing conventional current US-style coffee houses have been †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ up in the upmarket districts of the country. appearing springing coming oing Anyone who knows the Starbucks story can already visualize potential outlets in the most fashionable †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of the region’s capital cities. neighborhoods neighbors fields factors The †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ aim of advertising is to persuade consumers to choose a specific produ ct or service. efficient extreme ultimate decisive Brand also presents some intangible aspects of a product since it is how the product or often even the whole company’s †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ by its customers. perceived received believed relieved Brand is the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of ideas, feelings, and perceptions about lifestyle and status, image and quality. versus nexus lexis focusNumerous shopping malls offer customer free parking, and all the major retail brands can be purchased under one †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. roof house tower citadel Coca Cola has †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ its soft drinks to every market. economized altered customized separated Consumer tastes vary enormously from one country to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. another the other ohers other Their mailing list contains plenty of information and data so that they won’t have any difficulty †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the most appropriate recipients for the mailshots. to identify identify identifying identified The most important decisions for international marketing are probably†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦product standardization and variety reduction. hat of what which of those of In international marketing, it is necessary to meet individual national requirements, particularly where †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦goods are concerned. consumer consumption consuming consumed 15. The 2008 market is a declining market with businesses closing down, employees losing their jobs and a challenging stock market. Reducing declining falling failing 16. This technique is applicable to a wide variety of crops, but some modifications may be necessary to accommodate the†¦ peculiarities of each type. Forms specialties peculiarities specifications 17.Irony†¦ is a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result. Subtleness irony peculiarity homogeneity 18. Some analysts say Starbucks was forced to globalize because it had saturated its home market. Balanced equaled saturated justified 19. The extremely †¦volatile exchange rate has contributed to considerable uncertainty in ? nancial markets. Impressive volatile confidential expanding 20. Expanding †¦. operations overseas poses challenges, including finding business partners, protecting intellectual property and complying with different local laws. Businesses Operations ork enterprises 21. For long-term sustainability of the industry, it is important to diversify the product †¦range and move towards products that are less resource intensive and fulfil market requirements. Types range forms mediums 22. Mission †¦statement is a short written description of the aims of a business, charity, government department or public organization. purpose mission target aim 23. If you want to compete you must play to your own strengths. play work base contribute 24. In many countries today, global brand owners command the super-premium†¦ end of the market in any given product category, while local brands command the rest. Side end type sort 25. Global brand owners poured into the newly opened markets and, facing little competition in countries unaccustomed to consumer culture, they thought they would clean up. With about to for 26. As people become better off, they want more choices, not fewer. On with about off In order FillBlank 1. R(ed/red) t(ape/tape) and other examples of government bureaucracy hinder a company’s entry into a market. 2. Consumers’ buying habits can be described as their p(urchasing/purchasing) behavior. 3. A w(holesaler/wholesaler) sells goods to the retailers, usually in large quantities. 4.If goods in a shop are on s(pecial/special) offer, they are being sold at a lower price than usual. 5. If a market s(aturates/saturates), it provides too much of a product so that there is more of this product available than there are people who want to buy it. 6. N(ovelty/novelty) is something which has not been experienced before and so is interesting. 7. If a culture is h(om ogeneous/homogeneous), it consists people which are similar to each other or are of the same type. 8. A m(ission/mission) s(tatement/statement) is a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. 9.M(arketing mix/marketing mix) is a combination of factors that can be controlled by a company to influence consumers to purchase its products. 10. M(ailshot/mailshot) is the posting of advertising or similar material to a lot of people at one time. Marketers sometimes focus on particular segments of a given overall market. This process is known as ‘t(arget/target) marketing’ T(angible/tangible) assets are real, physical assets owned by a firm or individual that can be seen or touched. Unit 3 The excellent relations the company enjoys with the local community are a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to its highly effective PR Department. credit gift alent genius As a result of the government’s †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of currency controls, its close relations with s everal major foreign investors have been jeopardized. proposition imposition compensation concession While some of Toyota's Japanese plants have †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ production for certain models, over 16 plants are still closed. assumed consumed undermined resumed Retailers need to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and build a relationship with the customer across a range of channels including the internet. inquire require acquire secure There’s a lot we can do to keep our customers and learn more about them. But we need to be creative and come †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ with good ideas. p on about for I hope you don’t mind me †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. to phone phoning phone phoned I hope that you might be able to advise me †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ franchising contracts. for with about on Relations between them are rather †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. They don’t seem to like or trust each other. smooth straightened amiable strained IAG has an unrivalled scale of operations and a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of political and business connections . property wealth vast sum China is probably the insurance market with the biggest †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ potential in the world . untapped unheard unknown untouched Today, turning its pioneering presence into a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦success is AIG’s biggest challenge. ntrepreneurial commercial enterprising economical The report †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦two key elements of a successful strategy. pinpoints guides invents orients In China, extravagant entertainment are part of business †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. doing practice action act The †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦customer of the 21st century does not have time on his or her hands. relentless disordered preoccupied restless Many major retailers failed to adjust to the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ towards internet buying. orientation move direction walk Unit 3 27. After †¦. cementing good contacts, he went in and completely.. undermined all our hard work. Breaking/soured maintaining/established romoting/ built cementing/undermined 28. Widespread rumours of a hostile take-over bid are certain to .. strain relations between two leading French software companies. drain strain stress pain 29. The restless customer of the 21 century does not have time on his or her hands and there are million other providers, all ready and eager to sell to that customer. Restful Restless resting rested. 30. If something is transparent, it is very clear and easy to understand. Transferable transparent transmissible transactional 31. If someone is explicit, he or she says things clearly, exactly and openly. xplicit implicit requisite honest 32. An intermediary is someone who carries messages between people who are unwilling or unable to meet. Immediacy intermediary intermediatory intermediation 33. I think we'll have to terminate his contract because he doesn't fit in with the other people in the office. Extend renew terminate sign 34. If a bank or other organization underwrites an activity, it gives it financial support and takes responsibility for paying any costs if it fails. Under writes makes certain guarantees secures 35. Capitalization is the total value of a company's shares on a  stock exchange.Market price capital capitalization market share 36. China was considered to be the insurance market with the biggest untapped potential in the world Untouched untapped unused undone 37. To lobby means to attempt to convince public officials to favor a certain cause or take a certain action. Persuade tempt induce lobby 38. In terms of investing in emerging markets, AIG has an edge over other insurers. edge advance experience activeness 39. With roots dating back more than half a century, AIG has an unrivalled scale of operations and a .. wealth of political and business connections. richness ealth vast various 40. Her outstanding performances set a new†¦ benchmark for singers throughout the world. record remark benchmark line Gapfilling 1. To a(ffiliate/affiliate) means to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually la rger, group or organization. 2. Our agent let us down, we though we could c(ount/count) on him to boost sales but he had no commitment, no motivation. 3. They may be our competitor, but we want to stay on good t(erms/terms) with them. 4. They didn’t h(it/hit) it off at first, but little by little the came to be friends. . You should be able not only to relate to your employees, but also to h(old/hold) on to them. 6. We are definitely going to create a new post, so I suggest we should s(ound/sound) out a few people about it. 7. We continue to be one of the world’s leading business-to-business supplier of office products and services, and our m(otto/motto) continues to be â€Å"Our job is to make your job easier†. 8. We’d like to d(raw/draw) your attention to our special offers for regular customers like you. Customers will tolerate a little delay, but they are unlikely to p(ut/put) up with rudeness.They get on really well with each other, so it came as a s urprise when they f(ell/fell) out over such a trivial incident. He’s going to be t(ied/tied) up in the meeting till noon, so please come and see him in the afternoon. Unit 4 1. The company will †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ shares to indicate who owns the company, and in what proportion. print issue publish release 2. Billionaire financier George Soros stands to make †¦.. profits with his newly launched investment fund. beautiful handsome pretty hunky 3. If you †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ something, you to control it, usually in order to use its power. tackle harness integrateTheir hard work and investment is beginning to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ fruit. manufacture produce bear bring Several staff underperformed last year and didn’t †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦their targets. see meet talk please Whether or not to deregulate health care is a †¦.. issue. separate divisive gapping splitting When some key employees disappeared, the boss said that they’d left to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ other opportunities. gain pursue purchase ensure We are looking for ways of †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ our rivals. No one will be cheaper than us. underselling below selling above selling overselling In the late 1990s, many countries †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ a sharp economic downturn. looked viewed witnessed glancedStaff who never get any praise for their achievements may †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ up underrating their own abilities. finish terminate complete end What we are looking for †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ a candidate who can get results and work well under pressure. are is being be 6. Of course I can see now that Brian is an †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to our company, and I’m sorry I so badly misjudged him when he started working for us. asset access assessment acceptance 7. We’ll cut our expenses and downsize our †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ in order to become more competitive on the market. practices actions operations work 8. After some teething troubles, they now have a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ business with a huge turnover. declining thriving riving diving It’s been a lot of hard work, but she seems to be really making a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of her business. walk go step come The new product †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦filled the gap of the market and †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦took off as soon as it was launched. filled/took filled/set covered/took covered/set If an industry, company, activity etc is in the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦, it is not doing well or developing. depress deadness doldrums docks The Mobil logo is an instantly †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ logo across the planet. recognized aware conscious sensed While it's difficult for the average investor to buy shares in Facebook right now, there are rumors that the company will go †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ in 2012. stock general widespread ublic 41. The advent of LCD watch technology in 1970s created a vast opportunity for the company. Arriving Adventure advent going 42. Gimmick is something which is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people's attention or interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something. Slogan gimmick mimic gadget 43. We have also seen the downfall of some companies which over-expanded during the last boom. Downmove downwards downfall falldown 44. As the retail market became saturated, they had to think up a short-term strategy and develop some long-term planning. Out up on of 45. Today's consumers are very price.. onscious, but aggressive price promotions undermine the perceived value of our brand Aware knowing informed conscious Gapfilling 1. â€Å"N(epotism/nepotism)† means using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family. 2. If someone is r(uthless/ruthless), they have or show no pity or compassion for others. 3. P(rototype/prototype) is the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed. ’ 4. A t(riumph/triumph) is a very great success, achievement or victory or a feeling of great satisfaction or pleasure caused by this. . The company has loya l customer b(ase/base) because it meets the expectation of customer by always delivering the goods at lower prices. 6. The company made a profit for the first time since going p(ublic/public). 10. A â€Å"g(immick/gimmick)† is something which is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people's attention or interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something. 11. We don’t want our customers to think we were r(ipping/ripping) them off if we charged them a higher price. Nobody thought we’d clinch the deal, but we came up t(rumps/trumps) in the end.A â€Å"high f(lier/flyer/flier/lyer† is someone who has a lot of ability and a strong desire to be successful and is therefore expected to achieve a lot. 7. Since the emergence of high-speed Internet, the music industry has complained that it is being brought to its knees by the p(irates/pirate/pirates/irate) of downloading. 8. A â€Å"f(law/flaw)† is a fault, mistake or weakness, espec ially one that happens while something is being planned or made, or which causes something not to be perfect. 9. If someone is f(ussy/fussy), they not easily satisfied and have very high standards about particular things.If a company is going p(laces/places), it is on the way to success. We had been always ahead of our rivals until 2003 when they o(utstripped/outstripped) us for the first time. Unit 5 16. We use †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ strategies to reach audiences across all channels, from digital to mobile to word of mouth. integrated consolidated united blended 17. In the interview with Bloomberg Opedal says that Orkla is willing to sell assets to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the expansion in Asia. supply finance pay off provide 18. Unemployment in the booming economies of Australia and New Zealand is at †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦lows. most least record highest 1. The company is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ways to keep the best salespeople. making oing watching devising 2. A liberal education helps students develop a †¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦ of social responsibility. sense feeling perception sensation Because technology companies face the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ labor markets, they have been the most aggressive in devising ways to keep workers. smallest narrowest tightest tiniest Managers can †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦educational and special training leave for staff and encourage them to attend training programmes and conferences. decide avoid add advocate Don’t throw money at the workers who want to leave because pay †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ don’t always work. rises raises lifts elevations 6. The company want to hire people that are totally †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ with their values. ined dealing accompanied aligned 7. As a boss, you need to make employees feel †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ they’re not interested in looking elsewhere, because they’re very happy with their life. as though though if whether 8. Building up employee loyalty is important with unemployment at a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ low. extreme most total record 9. The new CEO †¦Ã¢ € ¦ the bureaucratic corporate culture to profit-minded entrepreneurship. formed transferred transformed translated 10. The growing number of close relationships between staff has very bad effect on both performance and †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. morale moral motive motion He has a †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦of accomplishment when a demanding task is carried out successfully. eel sense thinking perception The company should have †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of an individual’s or group’s efforts or contributions. acknowledgement knowledge realization admission 46. If an employee is so overloaded that there is not time to keep organized this can increase the stress that leads to burnout. Over-burn burn-off burnout burn down 47. Generous remuneration packages are often attached to overseas postings. numeration remuneration pay benefit. 48. Wholly foreign owned enterprises enjoy exclusive management control of their own business activities and have †¦autonomy in their operation and management with less interference from the government.Appraisal autonomy bureaucracy assessment 49. In a performance †¦appraisal, an employee discusses with their manager how well they have been doing their job, their progress, aims and needs at work. Bureaucracy commission appraisal incentive 50. Staff retention is one of the key factors required to keep your service quality constantly at high level. Retention maintenance retention intervention 51. Already providing top quality services, the company goes a step further by exceeding customers' expectations at all times. More forwards upwards further 52. Labor crunch is a situation in which there are not enough workers.Redundancy restriction crunch intension 53. The company’s parental leave policies are very generous in allowing time off and reentry into employment. Leave off rest vacation 54. We revamped all the management system, but the business is doing no better than it was before. Redid revamped retained regenerated 55. Morale†¦. i s the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a dangerous or difficult situation. Morale spirit mood status 56. A parent must be careful not to show favoritism towards any one of their children. Favorite favorability favoring favoritism 7. Could I have a quick word with you? saying sentence word talk 58. Actuaries†¦. are people who calculate insurance risks and premiums according to statistical probabilities. Insurers calculators statisticians actuaries 59. If something is†¦ negligible, it is of very little importance or size and not worth considering. remote negligible slight faint 60. They have to take decisive action to prevent these losses from escalating. Take make create do 61. By focusing on customers and their expectations, he helps companies develop integrated strategies to achieve long-range performance goals.Integrated connected interrogated interrelated 62. She resumed her career after an interval of six years. Retook resume d redid remade 63. While acts of terrorism receive the most coverage, it’s the more traditional events such as fires, floods, explosions, power failures or natural disasters that have the biggest impact. Cover coverage newspapers social networks 64. Whether the quality of customers' experiences is poor or excellent, all companies have room for improvement. Place vacancy room emptiness 65. When staff turnover is high, a manager needs to understand why people are leaving and work on correcting it.Turndown turnoff turnover turning 66. In urban areas all the major operators in the last few years have been focusing on corporate clients to boost their revenues. Boot boost shoot host 67. About five years a go, the company began to lose sales and market share, and in the last two years, it has made a loss. made done caused taken 68. Individual business units must own and manage their own risks within the framework of an overall risk management policy. framework structure infrastructu re organization 69. I am going to suggest we carry out a study of the market, and take it from there. carrying carry arried to carry 70. If a company is in a precarious situation, it’s in a dangerous state and there’s a risk that it may go out of business. cautious precautious precarious embarrassing Gapfilling 1 I am up to my e(yes/eyes) at the moment. Would you be able to give me a hand with these progress report for tomorrow’s meeting. 2 R(aw/raw) material is the basic material from which a product is made. 3 R(etention/retention) is the continued use, existence or possession of something or someone. 4 P(erk/perk) is an advantage or extra thing, such as money or goods, which you are given because of your job. Common s(ense/sense) is the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way. 10. People talk much about need for work that gives them quality of life, the work-life b(alance/balance) and the a voidance of stress. A judicious system of p(erks/perks), such as housing allowances or extra holidays should be devised. When the staff feel responsible and accountable for their own work, and when they are somehow involved in the decision-making p(rocess/process), their job satisfaction increases. 6 To d(evise/devise) means to invent a plan, system, object, etc. usually cleverly or using imagination. 7 â€Å"D(esperation/desperation)† is the feeling that you have when you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to take risks in order to change it. Everyone needs to continue to develop personally and p(rofessionally/professionally) on the job. A â€Å"s(tatus quo/status quo)† is the situation as it is now, or as it was before a recent change. 8. A s(hareholder/shareholder) is a person who owns some of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided. 9. Our general manager is in c(harge/charge) of running the company and for making joint strate gic decisions with the CEO.Unit 6 21. The treatment of a risk in one area may significantly increase the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to risk in another area. contact exposure revelation disclosure 22. Failure to attempt †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the risks that can occur can easily result in a project riddled with potential for failure. managing manage to manage managed 23. While risk management has†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ improved in the last decade, the risks have changed. undoubted undoubting undoubtedly undoubtful 24. Recovery plans of companies should include making certain their vendors and suppliers are also prepared for business †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. interferences interruptions nterventions intrusions 1. The SIA offers a unique forum for dealing with health and †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ issues that may impact manufacture or sale of semiconductors domestically. safety protection security well-being 2 We need executives who can manage strategic risks properly in addition to being able to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ decisive action whenever necessary. make take do work 3. The company is losing direction and its core products are losing †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. appeal appearance tempt picture 4. There was a marked growth in turnover, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the group’s rapid expansion over the last decade. reflect reflects reflected eflecting 5. Implementing a systematic †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to workplace safety will require a cultural change in many organizations and within the safety profession. way methodology road approach 6. Company policy and workstation practice must dictate that safety never takes a back †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to other interests. chair sit seat row No one should tolerate a potentially disabling or life-threatening risk in the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of cost-cutting, productivity or any other priority. name image title behalf It is impossible to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ all risk when entering a new market. legitimate designate imitate eliminate 9.Research show that one-third of the world’s leading companies have †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ for i mprovement. place location area room 10. Unless businesses accept and review risk regularly, they could eventually find themselves in a state of crisis, struggling to survive †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ focused growth. instead than but rather than Gapfilling 1. If a risk is n(egligible/negligible), it is so small that that it is not worth worrying about. 2. â€Å"A(ctuary/actuary)† is a person who calculates how likely accidents, such as fire, flood or loss of property, are to happen, and tells insurance companies how much they should charge their customers. . Many business leaders are s(cratching/scratching) their heads when it comes to protecting their business against risks. 4. Businesses that do attempt to manage these risks will boost their b(ottom/bottom) lines. 5. â€Å"H(azard/hazard)† is something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage. 6. Absenteeism is the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason. 7. There is a lot companies can do to stop risky events from becoming a disaster in the first p(lace/place). 8. â€Å"C(raftsmanship/craftsmanship) is the skill at making things. 9.Joint v(enture/venture) is a commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties which otherwise retain their distinct identities. 10. â€Å"S(take/stake)† is a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business. If the risk is n(egligible/negligible), it is so small that it is not worth worrying about. â€Å"D(icey/Dicey)† is an informal word which means the same as â€Å"risky†. â€Å"Economic b(lockade/blockade)† is a situation when a country or place is surrounded by soldiers or ships to stop people or goods from going in or out. Unit 7 26. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦from Facebook, Fotobounce can also upload photos to Flickr.Away Apart Except Separated To be open and transparent as part of our commitment to boost public †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ in publicly funded education. reliance possession confidenc e intimacy 28. Vehicle loan providers have set up internet †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ where they allow clients to fill out loan applications on the internet. functions working operations actions 29. Yoox. com chose to launch in Europe first, close to the designers †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ goods it sells. that which whom whose 30. We enjoy working with companies that want to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the online world and generate revenue through the ‘ world wide web' (www). mbrace contain hold encircle 1 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦biggest US retailers are developing integrated operations. Some of the Some the Some of Of the 2. The company has expanded well beyond its †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ as a seller of books and CDs, acting as an online mall selling everything from gourmet foods to clothing. basis ground causes roots 3. JC Penney, the century-old department store chain, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ its Internet sales reach $600m last year. saw looked pointed stared 71. If you waste your company's money you could risk going bankrupt because th e money that you are wasting could be better spent else where. oing go to go went 72. If you †¦. customize a product or service, you make or change it according to the buyer’s need. customize individualize justify commercialize 73. Smarterwork does an excellent job of matching freelance†¦. professionals to organizations looking for particular skills. professors professionals employers recruiters 74. If you are †¦.. browsing the Internet, you are looking for information on it. seeking investigating browsing logging on 75. A directory is a book which gives a list of names, addresses or other facts. dictionary postal directory guidebook 76.Major players such as Coca-Cola are now seeing their Facebook pages receive more hits†¦ than their individual websites. comers guests strikes hits 77. A gourmet is a person who knows a lot about food and cooking, and who enjoys eating high-quality food. eater taster appetite gourmet 78. High-street products are those that a re intended for ordinary public and not for rich people. high-street low-street common usual 79. Russian internet company Yota has grown from †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to become one of the largest firms in the market. basics scratch nothing fundamental 80. Internet shopping is easier, more convenient and offer bigger†¦. nd a lot of the major retailers are having to get to grips with it because consumers are dragging them into the space. sorts goods ranges kinds 81. As we didn’t understand the potential impact of e-purchasing early enough, so we are lagging behind our competitors. coming stepping lagging walking 82. Our company will be able to compete in the new global marketplace only if we seize the opportunities present. seize Do Make hold Fillblank 1. Search e(ngine/engine) is a computer program which finds information on the Internet by looking for words which you have typed in. To l(itter/litter) means to spread across an area or place untidily. 3. A s(tart-up/start-up/ start up/tart up) is a newly established business. â€Å"A(utonomy/autonomy) is the ability to act and make decisions without being controlled by anyone else. 4. Bricks and m(ortar/mortar) is the term used to denote a business that operates conventionally rather than over the Internet. 5. M(ail-order/mail-order/ mail order/ail order) is a way of buying goods in which you choose what you want, usually from a catalogue, and it is sent to you. FillBlank Unit 1 1.As an instructor she has s(ense/sense) of humor, she is enthusiastic and sets long-span goals. 2. â€Å"C(orporate/corporate) i(dentity/identity)† is the characteristics of a  corporation  which is designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives. It is usually visibly manifested by way of branding and the use of  trademarks. 3. To encourage effective communication between departments, the Trust was keen to adopt open p(lan/plan) office accommodation. Unit 2 4. The process of expanding b(eyon d/beyond) the domestic market can seem very intimidating and daunting for many small businesses. . If you state an amount per c(apita/capita), you mean that amount for each person. 6. An o(utlet/outlet) is shop that owned by a particular company and that sells the goods which the company has produced. 7. One of the big problems for smaller investors is getting a f(oothold/foothold) in the commercial property market. 8. F(oreign/forgeign) e(exchange/xchange) is the system by which the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money, making international trade easier. Unit 3 9. If you b(reak/break) off a talk with someone, you stop it because you can’t find agreement. 0. ILT Services is set to b(uild/build) up a sales network for Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. 11. LABG is a student organization whose purpose is to f(oster/foster) the relations between Chicago Booth and Latin American people. Unit 4 12. The customer b(ase/base) is th e group of  customers  or  consumers  that a  business  serves. 13. A w(holly/wholly) owned subsidiary is a company whose stock is entirely owned by another company. 14. C(osmetic/cosmetic) s(urgery/surgery) is any medical operation which is intended to improve a person's appearance rather than their health. 15.If you o(utbid/outbid) someone for something, you offer more money than him or her to buy that thing. Unit 5 16. â€Å"C(omission/commission)† is the payment to someone who sells goods which is directly related to the amount of goods sold. 17. C(ommon/common) sense is the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way. 18. If you get a pay r(ise/rise), you have an increase in the fixed amount of money you earn for doing your job. 19. Like the rest of the world, Canada will face a labour c(runch/crunch/crisis/risis) in the next 10 years. Unit 6 20.Successful modern leaders should be supportive of staff, but should also take d(ecisive/decisive) action to maintain standards of behaviour. 21. A h(azard/hazard) is something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage. 22. Staff t(urnover/turnover) is the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new people. 23. â€Å"A(bsenteeism/ bsenteeism)† is a habitual  pattern  of  absence  from a  duty  or  obligation. Traditionally, it has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance. 24. Financial services firms are ahead of the curve when it c(omes/comes) to risk management practices.Unit 7 26. A d(irectory/directory) is a book that gives a list of names, addresses or other facts. 27. A p(ioneer/pioneer) is a person who is one of the first people to do something. 28. M(ail/mail) o(rder/order) is way of buying goods in which you choose what you want, usually from a  catalogue, and it is sent to you. 29. If someone or something is home-g(rown/grown), they belong to or were develope d in your own country. 30. If a product or a service is e(xclusive/exclusive), it is expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class. IndicateMistakes Midterm 1.In the Harvard Business School professor Theodore Lewitt’s seminal paper The Globalization of Market, (written) in 1983, he argued that, as new media and technology shrank the world, people’s tastes would converge, (creating) a single global market that (would be dominated) by the world’s most (success) brands. 2. So when the Berlin Wall (fell) and the barriers (to) world trade (came down), it seemed Prof Lewitt would be proved (rightly). 3. Global brand owners (poured into) the (newly opened markets) and, facing (few competition) in countries (unaccustomed to) consumer culture, they thought they would clean up.Then some awkward commercial realities started to close in. 4. Once local consumers (had tried) these new products, they (found) them (far too expensively) to buy (on regular basis), even if they liked them. 5. And soon, local producers (sprang up) (offer) much better (value for money) with products of only (slightly inferior quality) at a vastly lower price. 6. (Usually), too, these products were (better suited) to local tastes and cultural preferences than (that) being (foisted onto) consumers by the global corporations. 7.The global brand owners were left (spreading) their advertising and other (fixing costs) over (tiny market shares) and often faced (extra costs), such as tariffs. 8. In (many of) these countries today, global brand owners command the (super-premium end) of he market in any (given product category), while local brands command (rest). 9. The global brand owners could try (to move) into the mass market by (creating) low-price products (design) to suit local tastes, but that would throw them into head-on competition with local companies possessing better distribution channels and a (far deeper understanding) of the market. 0. Increasingl y, therefore, they have resorted to (buying) local brands and the companies (whose) own them. And here, of course, (lies) the paradox. Whatever is the point of owning a global brand if it does not (work) in global market? Final exam 1. (On the surface), flexible working might (seem to be) about people (being) able to choose their working hours and, perhaps, spend some time (to work) away from the office. 2. But it is also (a fundamental change) in the way (people work)- and, (more importantly), the way (they managed). 3.Flexible working is (a shift) from â€Å"time-based† to â€Å"result-based† (working practices) and could herald the biggest change (for) the (workplace) since the (start) of the industrial revolution. 4. New employee legislation is one of the main (motivation) for employers (to introduce) flexible working practice-but not the only one. In Europe, for example, employers are obliged (to offer) parents with young or disabled children the right (to request ) flexible working. 5. While legislation is a major catalyst to (introducing) flexible working, there are other reasons.In the US, for example, the fall in the price of (mass market computer) and communications technologies (are) encouraging organization (to allow) more home working. 6. Flexible working is also (likely) to (appeal to) a wider skill pool and help with (staff retention). Marry Sue Rogers, human capital management leader at IBM Global Service, says that IBM has embraced flexible working (helping) with recruitment. 7. In Europe, companies have to (provide) flexible working (because of) legislation-but it is also a way (to recruit) from a broader skill pool, (include) women and older people. . (With) an (ageing) workforce we have to find ways to retain older staff. It also gives (greater scope) to male employees who (increasing) want flexible working to create a better work/life balance. 9. Although new legislation (is forcing) organizations (to adopt) flexible working p ractices, there are (sound) business reasons to give employees more (flexible). 10. Organizations which have (embraced) flexible working have found that it can (cut costs) and improve productive). More importantly, it enables them (to recruit) staff from much broader skill pool and retain staff.Resit 1. Management (at) large organizations do not embark (on) widespread and risky company restructurings (unless) they believe their businesses are (for) straitened financial circumstances. 2. And the potential long-term damage (with) company branding that can be done if staff and managers clash publicly (over) plans will almost always take a back seat (to) other priorities, such as getting the business back (into) profit. 3. Nevertheless, brands are (a key part) of the intangible assets that (is) playing an (increasingly) important role on company (balance sheets). 4.This (means) that it can be a serious issue for any business if its brands emerge as (tainted) in the long term by strikes and other industrial conflicts. If this is the (risky), how can corporations or other (branded organizations) reduce this danger? 5. Langford estimates that about a third of his clients’ problems (with respect to) this risk (are) caused by the behavior of their (staff); with industrial action and disaffected workers (be) the most common examples. 6. Poor industrial relations do not come about (in isolation). They reflect (on) the business (as whole) and the way (in which) it is being managed. 7.If the management think the brand is (something) (done) by the marketing communications department, (this) makes for very poor brand (strategic). 8. The danger here for service companies (is) that the impression of the brand (given) to the customer is often dictated by the (behave) of staff at the bottom of the (organization hierarchy). 9. Brands (represent) the (value) of the organization’s relationship with (their) customers. It’s the one thing (a competitor) cannot cop y. 10. Companies are not able (to insure) against (declines) in brand value, but often compound the problem by (not manage) the risk to (their) most valuable asset.Indicate mistakes Midterm (1-3) 1. The communication between companies and customers is (increasing) becoming two-way, with customers service centres (designed) to gather information, not just (complaints), from customers about (all aspects of use) of a company’s products. 2. (Some) say that first impressions (count). (Another) think that someone’s character can only be judged after a lot of (contact) in business contexts and socially. 3. A new trend for companies (to set up) e-marketplaces on the Internet (that) they work together (on) procurement of materials and parts.Suppliers can make bids (in competition with) each other. 4. When firms work together (on) a particular project, they may (enter) into a strategic alliance. This may (take the format) of a (joint venture) between two or three companies or a consortium between several organizations. 5. Globalization has (affected) marketing strategies in many ways. In the past, for example, the best way to enter a market tended (be) the main concern. Today, (by contrast), international marketers ask themselves whether it is better to standardize or to adapt a product (across) different markets. . (Finding) the right international mix has (become) one of the key (question), and answers vary (greatly) from company to company and from product to product. 9. HCPS is a private health care organization (based) in Geneva, Switzerland. It (offers) advice and (treat) to wealthy people and company employees (all over the world). 10. The HCPS group was (formed) a year ago, (following) a takeover of HCP by Sanicorp, another health care organization. Since the takeover, the company has become more centralized, with more decisions (is) made by the top management at (head office).Final (1-7) 1 It (estimated) that 90 per cent of (medium) to large compa nies that could not (resume) near-normal operations within five days of an emergency would (go out of) business. 2 While acts of terrorism receive the most (coverage), it’s the more traditional (events) such as fires, floods, explosions, power failures or natural disasters (who) have the biggest (impact). 3 To (best) protect cashflow, competitive position and profit, companies need to (access) the potential hazards that can (impact) top revenue sources and make sure (there is) business continuity planning. 4. Getting) to a (win-win situation) clearly requires (a number of) special skills, such as (make) concessions. 5. After 17 years of (lobbying) by Mr Greenberg, AIG was the first foreign (insurer) (being) allowed (in to) China. 6. Over the (past) six years, Samsung (fights) to move its brand image more (upmarket) to compete with (premium) names, such as Sony. 7. Pressure has (mounted) on Samsung to keep its (efforts). The company recently slipped back (into) third place beh ind Motorola (on) mobile handset sales. 8. It is clear that young people have a (huge impact) (over) their parents and older people (when) it comes to (choose) technology. . (On) the surface, flexible working might seem to be about people (be) able to choose their working hours, and perhaps, spend (some time) working away from office. But it is also a fundamental change in the way people work, and more (importantly) the way they are managed. 10. (Flexible working) is also likely to appeal (with) a wider (skill pool) and help (with) staff retention. Resit (1-7) 1 People are happiest not only when they are (respected member) of a team (they admire) (but) when the team and the company are respected by (the world outside). Being (part) of a (trusted), honest group is an indispensable component of employee happiness and engagement. So (is) (establish) ties with colleagues you respect. 3 Management at large organizations do not embark (on) widespread and (risk) company (restructurings) un less they believe their businesses are in (straitened) financial circumstances. 4. Brands (are) a key part of the intangible (assess) that are (playing) an increasingly important role (on) company balance sheets. 5. It can be a serious issue (for) any business if its brands (emerge) as tainted (in the long term) by strikes and (another) industrial conflicts. . (Figures) out from 2004 from Ofcom, the communications regulator, (showed) that more than 56 per cent of homes had internet (access), with a third of those (have) a broadband connection. 7. Externally, advertising has been the most visible (form) of communication (with) customers. (Usual) this is designed to increase product sales, but there is also institutional advertising, designed to improve perceptions of company (as a whole). 8. UK companies have failed in the past (prepare) their (staff) in key areas before (sending) them abroad. What’s new is that they are starting to (pay attention to) it. . While 89 per cent o f companies formerly assess a candidate’s job skills prior to a foreign posting, less than half go through the same process for cultural suitability. 10. Several department heads are unhappy because they can’t get a quick answer when they want to spend money, even small sums. When they ask their present line manager 1. In 1967, John Kenneth Galbraith argued that the USA (was run) by a handful of big companies (who) planned the economy in the name of stability. These were (hierarchy) and bureaucratic organizations (making) long runs of standardized products. 2.They introduced â€Å"new and improved† (varieties) with predictable regularity; they provided their workers (for) lifetime employment and they enjoyed (fairly) good industrial relations with the (giant trade unions). 3. That world is now dead. The US’s giant corporations have either (disappeared) or (be transformed) by global competition. (Most) have shifted their production systems from high-volume to high-value, from standardized to customized. And they have (flattened) their management hierarchies. 4. Few people these days expect (to spend) their lives (to move) up the ladder of a single organization.Dramatic changes (are taking place). But where exactly are they (taking up)? Where is the modern company heading? 5. These are three standard answers (to) this question. The first is that a handful of giant companies are engaged (with) a â€Å"silent takeover† of the world. The past couple of decades have (seen) a record number of mergers. The survivors are (far) more powerful than nation states. 6. The second (school of thought) argues (almost the opposite): it (says) that big companies are thing of the past. For a glimpse of the future, look at the Monorail Corporation, (that) sells computers. 7.Monorail (owns no) factories, warehouses or any (others) tangible assets. It operates in an office building in Atlanta. (Freelance workers) are designing the computers while (d emand) is still low. 8. The third (school of thought) (says) that companies are being replaced by â€Å"net works†. Groups of entrepreneurs form such a network to market an idea. They then sell it to the highest bidder and (move on to) produce another idea and to create another firm, with the money (is) supplied all the time by venture capitalists. 9. Another way (to look) at the future of the company is (to focus) on the environment that will determine it.That environment is dominated by one thing: choice. Technology and globalization opens up (ever more) opportunities for individuals and (firm) to collect information and conduct economic activity outside traditional structures. 10. While the age of (mass production) lowered the costs of products (for) the expense of (limiting) choices, modern â€Å"flexible† production systems both (lower) costs and increase choices. 11. Consumers have more choice over where (will they spend) their money. Producers have more choice o ver which suppliers (to use). Shareholders have more choice over where (to put) (their) money. 12.With (all that choice) around, future (company) will have to be very flexible in order to (quickly adapt) to the changing environments if they (are to survive). 1. The nation was (in shock). David Beckham, Britain’s most (beautiful) footballer emerged from his house on Monday morning (to allow) the world (photograph) a wound above his left eye. 2. Sir Alex Ferguson, manager of (his then team) Manchester United, had (lost his temper) after a defeat and(kick) a football boot, (which) hit the Beckham eyebrow. 3. In sports, more than in most businesses, the management tactics are (out in the open) for all to see.Not many managers try (to strangle) their subordinates-as Bobby Knight, a former basketball coach at Indiana University, (once do). But the ability (to inspire fear) has always been an essential tool of management. 4. (Lots of) successful chief executives (rule by terror). (N one), it must be said, (reaches) the standard (setting) by John Patterson, who built NCR early in the 20th century. 5. One NCR executive discovered he (had been fired) when he found his desk and chair (in flames) on the company lawn. Modern laws (on) constructive dismissal and employee harassment have put an end (with) such fun. . However, terror in the workplace is (making a comeback) these days. In an economic upswing, fear (goes underground). Workers are (scarcity), and therefore powerful; bosses must handle the talent (with) care. 7. When times (turn tough), the balance of power swings. As Hank Paulson, chairman of Goldman Sachs, (put it), in a speech that upset his staff, â€Å"in almost every one of our businesses, there are 15-20% of the people that really (adds) 80% of the value. † (In other words), 80-85% are largely redundant-and had better shape up fast. 8. Does fear really motivate?In sport, says Scott Snook, who teaches organizational behavior at Harvard Business School, â€Å"fear can become a barrier to (take) risks, (yet) can provide the essential emotional kick needed to (meet) a challenge. † Coaches need to (strike) the right balance in order to develop talent. 9. Yet (use) in boardroom, fear can be disastrous. Tony Couchman, a headhunter at Egon Zehnder in London, (recalls) the board of a large firm with a chief executive who so dominated his directors that they (rarely) questioned or challenged him. â€Å"Success in such a company depends on (having) a great leader and a steady market,† he argues. 0. Jim Collins, author of a book that explains why some firms (succeed in) making the jump â€Å"from good to great’ and (other) fail, found that the approach (to) fear was a key distinction among firms that he surveyed. He found that in the (truly) successful firms people were â€Å"productively neurotic†. 11. At Microsoft, for example, employees worry all year (at the prospect) of their annual meetings with Bi ll Gates, (who) even (being shouted at) would not hurt as much as (seeming) to be an idiot. 12. The (driving) fear of failure, points out Mr.Collins, is not unique (to) corporate life. â€Å"I’m self-employed, and I live with constant fear,† he says. â€Å"But I’m self-afraid. † That kind of fear is common among creative artists and also in professional services (where) the person is the product and lots of fragile egos have to (manage). 1. In its 30-year history, Nike had become the (undisputed) leader in sports marketing. But beneath the success (was) an Achilles’ heel. Nike is named (for) a woman – the Greek goodness of victory-but for most of its history, the company had been perceived as (being) mostly about men. . Could Nike do more to realize full potential of female customers? And how could it afford (not to), given the threats to its future with Air Jordan (ran) out of air and brands like Sketchers (digging) into the teen market wit h shoes inspired by skateboarding, not basketball. That was a huge question at Nike HQ. The launch of Nike Goddess was the (makings) of an answer. 3. For (many of) its history, Nike’s destiny was controlled by its founders, Phil Knight and his (running buddies), who designed up athletes in locker rooms and made the (executive decisions).But by throwing together a diverse team of people with different backgrounds and different levels of seniority, Nike has found that it can keep (many of) its core attributes while (adding) news sources of inspiration. 4. (Taking) the (combination) of star designer John Hoke and newcomer Mindy Grossman, vice president of global apparel. Hoke designed (the look) and (feel) of the first Nike Goddess store. 5. Then Grossman, whose career has included (helping) (making) Ralph Lauren into a retail icon, pitched the design ideas to Nike’s top retailers as stores within stores.Now it (looks) like Nike has a chance (to reach) a crucial objective : double its sales to women by the end of the decade. 6. Nike Goddess began (as a concept) for a women-only store, and there’s a reason why. (Many) of the retail settings in which the company’s products were found were a turnoff to female customers: dark, loud, and harsh- in a word, male. (On sharp contrast), the Nike Goddess stores have the comforting (feel) of a woman’s own home. 7. Designing a new approach to retail was only one element in Nike’s campaign. (Another) was redesigning the shoes and clothes (themself).Nike’s footwear designers worked (on) 18-month production cycles-which made (it) hard to stay in step with the new styles and colours for women. 8. The apparel group, (which) worked around 12-month cycles, was better at (keeping on with) fashion trends. But (that) (meant) that the clothes weren’t co-ordinated with the shoes-a big turnoff for women. 9. When Jackie Thomas, Nike’s US brand marketing director for w

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chid Abuse

HSP Computer Superstore Project Description: In this project, you will modify a workbook for the HSP Computer Superstore to track the sales totals for 2011. You will use functions to calculate total sales, average sales, and median, minimum, and maximum sales values. Additionally, you will create a summary worksheet using values from the other spreadsheets in the workbook. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step| Instructions| Points Possible| 1| Start Excel.Open the downloaded Excel workbook named GO_e02_Grader_IR. xlsx. | 0| 2| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B25, insert a function that will total all of the sales for Quarter 1 in the range B6:B23. Copy the function in cell B25 to the range C25:F25. | 6| 3| On the Main St. worksheet, adjust the column widths for columns C, D, and E to 13. 57 (100 pixels). | 3| 4| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B26, insert a function that will calculate the average sales for Q uarter 1. Copy the function in cell B26 to the range C26:E26. 6| 5| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B27, insert a function that will display the median sales value for Quarter 1. Copy the function in cell B27 to the range C27:E27. | 6| 6| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B28, insert a function that will display the minimum sales value for Quarter 1. Copy the function in cell B28 to the range C28:E28. | 6| 7| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B29, insert a function that will display the maximum sales value for Quarter 1. Copy the function in cell B29 to the range C29:E29. | 6| 8| On the Main St. orksheet, in cell B30, insert a function that will count the number of sales agents with sales greater than $75,000 in Quarter 1 (B6:B23). Copy the function in cell B30 to the range C30:E30. | 6| 9| Group the Main St. and Franklin Ave. worksheet tabs. With both worksheets selected, click in cell F6 and insert a function that will total all of the 2011 sales for the first agent. Copy the function in cell F6 to the range F7:F23. Ungroup the worksheets. | 12| 10| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell G6, insert a function that will display the text Gold if the sales agent's total sales alue for 2011 is greater than or equal to 225000. Otherwise, the function will display the text Training Required. Copy the function in cell G6 to the range G7:G23. | 6| 11| Copy the contents of cell A4 on the Franklin Ave. worksheet, and paste them into cell A4 on the Main St. worksheet. | 1| 12| On the Main St. worksheet, freeze above row 6 so that row 5 continues to display as you scroll down on the worksheet. | 2| 13| On the Main St. worksheet, in cell B32, enter the value 1/15/12. Clear the contents and formatting in cell B32, and then enter the date January 15, 2012 in the same cell. 1| 14| On the Main St. worksheet, display green data bars with a gradient fill in all cells in the range F6:F23. | 3| 15| On the Main St. worksheet, create an Excel table with headers using the range A5 :G23. Sort the Total column from smallest to largest, and then filter the Category column so that only those requiring training are displayed. | 12| 16| Use the Find and Replace dialog box to find the text Sales Agent ID on the Main St. worksheet and replace it with the text Sales Rep ID. | 2| 17| Change the scaling of the Main St. worksheet so the contents fit on one page. 4| 18| Reposition the Main St. worksheet tab so that it appears to the right of the Franklin Ave. worksheet tab. Rename the Sheet1 worksheet tab to Summary, and then change the tab color to blue (under Standard Colors). | 6| 19| On the Summary worksheet, rotate the text in cells B4 and C4 so that it is angled counterclockwise (45 degrees). | 2| 20| On the Summary worksheet, in cell B8, construct a linking formula that will refer to the value in cell E25 on the Franklin Ave. worksheet. In cell C8, construct a linking formula that will refer to the value in cell E25 on the Main St. orksheet. On the Main St. workshe et, change the value in cell E6 to 45581. 09. Note that the Quarter 4 sales total for the Main St. store updates automatically in the Summary sheet. | 7| 21| On the Summary worksheet, in cell B11, use the NOW function to display the current date. | 3| 22| Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Summary, Franklin Ave. , Main St. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. | 0| | Total Points| 100|

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lack of Ethics in the Construction Industry essays

Lack of Ethics in the Construction Industry essays Ethical challenges in the construction industry are bid shopping, no-payment issues, lying, "lawyering up," inflated claims, false claims, threats, and even employee embezzlement. As an employee of a specialty trade subcontractor, Im going to be looking at bid shopping, no payment, over billing illegal aliens, and wage theft. With oftentimes razor thin margins and stiff competition, construction companies try to maximize profits by any means necessary. Bid shopping has been the longtime leader of unethical practices. Its the process by which solicited bids are divulged as leverage with contractors to lower their prices. This is seen more often in specialty and trade contractors. Bid shopping may lead to a breakdown in trust and collaboration and is likely to cause a more contentious atmosphere between owners, contractors, and subcontractors. Non-payment issues have become a fast growing problem. The economic downturn hit the construction industry hard. Many contractors found themselves without new work on the horizon and/or stuck in one of the many stages of a project. Even before the recession began, payment has been a hot topic in the industry. Contractors would use excuses such as unacceptable product or technicalities of a contract (insurance, hours to be worked, performance) as a means to withhold payment. Contractors have often over-bid the price on projects. It is believed that contractors should unbalance the bid/front-end load of the project even though they collect money in a timely manner. If a contractor, particularly a subcontractor, doesn't unbalance the bid, the difference in cash disbursed against cash received on a project can be enormous, and no one would notice, because most accounting systems do not detect it, he says. When examining the job, you will find that you are funding labor and other costs but you're not being paid in a timely manner. Another issue I find even mor...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Blood Diamonds Essay Example

Blood Diamonds Essay Example Blood Diamonds Essay Blood Diamonds Essay The consequence in the deceases of more than 50 thousand people. left 1000000s homeless. and incorporate force such as mass colzas and mutilations were caused from these gems net incomes which helped to subsidise a war. It was besides stated that these blood diamonds increase the conflict in Africa which resulted to the loss of four million lives and 1000000s of occupants has been dislocated. Lapp of what happened at Sierra Leone which had disagreement ; these conflict diamonds yet in small ways can do monolithic devastation in a state. In the despicable civil war at Sierra Leone. the lifting up evolutionary United Front apprehended control to a great extent of the nation’s diamond Fieldss. The issue sing blood diamonds did non happen merely long-ago. There was a study late by the United State that 23 dollars of diamonds are being smuggled into international diamond markets which are from the Ivory Coast. Diamonds have besides played an of import function in funding struggles in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Fortified sadism and barbarous human rights maltreatments go on with over control of diamond mines in eastern Congo which was the bloodiest war since World War II. The Global Witness in 1998 had to get down a disclosure operation about the function of diamonds in fiscal support statement. Amnesty International a labor human rights organisation in the universe became so influential in edifying citizens refering the job and urges the authoritiess and industry to take action. International tenseness has augmented from a big federation of Non Government Officials through the old ages. United States is the 70 per centum of the world’s diamond bargainer and this lone means that it was the taking costumier of diamonds. With this ground. they should be the first and major caput to cover on the job of blood diamonds which besides called struggle diamonds. On the manner difficult works for the United States Congress to command the trading of blood diamonds. Terrorist operation are possible funded by the international trade of diamonds and with this. the United States Congress Members obtains tactics to set a halt to it. Diamonds are expensive goods that can easy be covered and transported harmonizing to the U. S. General Accounting Office and was used in illegal agencies of trading. It was extracted from unaccessible countries which no intimation to happen from its beginning. Government-run Kimberley Process which is an international understanding endorsed by the United Nation which aimed and developed a diamond enfranchisement plan that would forestall the flow of blood diamond and initiated halt to its trade was soon participate United States together with other states. The chain of warranties or the system of ego ordinance. was the understanding wherein the diamond companies will take charge to guard itself in despatching diamonds from its topographic point to the shops where it should be delivered. This became there support to the Kimberley Process. However this understanding I non to the full applied to the industries because it is a must for a company covering in diamonds to hold a class of action in topographic point to vouch that their diamonds are conflict-free. Actual visit of the authorities in the diamond industries should be practiced for more confidence of liberating from struggles and behavior cyclic country verification to diamond companies to do certain they have strategies in topographic point to avoid any trade in struggle diamonds. Several of the states rich in diamonds are those truly hapless and citizens do non acquire any benefit from their resources peculiarly the dirt profusion. Confusions and explosive natures are widespread in the diamond Fieldss because radical group’s antiterrorists can still prehend benefit and right to utilize the diamonds. Given all the jobs refering the struggle diamonds the United States authorities should take a expression in implementing the diamond jurisprudence and necessitate all parts to construct up a dependable diamond industry. The pattern for tracking agreement in each of the diamond companies will be helpful to do certain to forestall the entryway in the market of struggle diamonds. Additional force should be given off by the Administration for the execution of Clean Diamond Trade Act ( CDTA ) in hindering the operation to conflict diamonds as they support the Kimberley Process. Nowadays. blood diamonds are still a serious quandary. Experientially the authorities action in commanding the finance struggle in diamonds are non that powerful and functional to guarantee that the Rebel groups. terrorist and other condemnable webs will non any longer make usage of it. This continual failing of the Control System found by the Government Accountability Office of United States was because of the paltry imposing of Clean Diamond Trade Act. The demands for development in supervising procedure in the diamond industries in line with the jurisprudence and roll uping precise information on United States trade in unsmooth diamonds. Bing the taking consumer of diamonds. the United States should take a firm stand on beef uping the Clean Diamond Trade Act and the Kimberley Process. Suggested measure that will be the best aid turn toing on the job will be: working with other cardinal disposal to reenforce the Kimberley Process and interrupt down on blood diamonds smuggled out of the Ivory Coast. In add-on guarantee that the Kimberley Process taking on processs to develop the accurateness and probe of the information. call for hallmark of production conformance. endow with satisfactory funding to promote effectual completion of the system. They should besides supply more forceful support every bit good as proficient and fiscal assistance. to assist states develop their achievement of the Kimberley Process. The on clip application of the proposals of Government Accountability Office including the topographic point cheques of diamond companies and tracking of unsmooth diamonds inside and outside the state particularly the end puting in put to deathing the proposal will be a great aid in deciding the jobs. Having custodies on pressing traffics to come on the truth of United States rough diamond trade statistics will besides be a aid. Mentions: Battling Conflict Diamonds. Retrieved August 18. 2007. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. globalwitness. org/pages/en/conflict_diamonds. html Conflict Diamonds. Retrieved August 18. 2007. World Wide Web. amnestyusa. org/news/doc/diamonds_survey_text. pdf US Congress Tackles Blood Diamonds’ Trade. Retrieved August 18. 2007. World Wide Web. voanews. com/english/archive/2002-02/a-2002-02-14-2-US. cfm Conflict Diamonds. Retrieved August 18. 2007. World Wide Web. un. org/peace/africa/Diamond. hypertext markup language Stop the Trade in Blood Diamonds. Retrieved August 18. 2007. worldvision. org/worldvision/†¦ /stable/globalissues_conflictdiamonds

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Xiphactinus - Facts and Figures

Xiphactinus - Facts and Figures Name: Xiphactinus (combination Latin and Greek for sword ray); pronounced zih-FACK-tih-nuss Habitat: Shallow waters of North America, western Europe and Australia Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (90-65 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 20 feet long and 500-1,000 pounds Diet: Fish Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; slender body; prominent teeth with distinctive underbite    About Xiphactinus At 20 feet long and up to half a ton, Xiphactinus was the largest bony fish of the Cretaceous period, but it was far from the top predator of its North American ecosystemas we can tell from the fact that specimens of the prehistoric sharks Squalicorax and Cretoxyrhina have been discovered containing Xiphactinus remains. It was a fish-eat-fish world back in the Mesozoic Era, though, so you shouldnt be surprised to learn that numerous Xiphactinus fossils have been discovered containing the partially digested remains of smaller fish. (Finding a fish inside a fish inside a shark would be a true fossil trifecta!) One of the most famous Xiphactinus fossils contains the almost-intact remains of an obscure, 10-foot-long Cretaceous fish called Gillicus. Paleontologists speculate that the Xiphactinus died right after swallowing the fish, possibly because its still-living prey managed to puncture its stomach in a desperate attempt at escape, like the grisly extraterrestrial in the movie Alien. If this is really what happened, Xiphactinus would be the first fish known to have died from acute indigestion! One of the odd things about Xiphactinus is that its fossils have been discovered in just about the last place youd expect, the landlocked state of Kansas. In fact, during the late Cretaceous period, much of the American midwest was submerged under a shallow body of water, the Western Interior Sea. For this reason, Kansas has been a rich fossil source of all sorts of marine animals from the Mesozoic Era, not only giant fish like Xiphactinus, but various marine reptiles as well, including plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, ichthyosaurs and mosasaurs.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analyze policy that guides community services for older adults Research Paper

Analyze policy that guides community services for older adults - Research Paper Example Demographics define people with different social relationships and design needs. According to the 2002 U.S. Census, the older adults constitute 35.6 million that is 12.3% of the country’s population. By 2020, it is foreseen that 17% of the population will be 65 years old and over. The census revealed that 20.8 million women were 65 years old and above, while men were 14.8 million (Anderson, 2011). According to Anderson (2011), the U.S. Census Bureau in 2008, predicted that by 2030, individuals aged 85 years, and above will rise from 4.6 million to 9.6 million (p.6). Medicare is a federal insurance scheme for persons aged 65 years and above. The insurance cover considers those persons with disability. Individuals aged 65 years and above qualify for Medicare benefits and are allowed to apply in part of fully. The other group of individuals who qualify for Medicare are those eligible for social security. One becomes eligible through FICA contributions that occurred during the time he/she was working, or one was married to a person who did. Medicare gives two kinds of insurance that is the traditional fee-for-service option and Medicare advantage. In traditional option, the client is insured by the government while the Medicare advantage is given to individuals who depend on private plan for their benefits. In the traditional option, the Medicare plan is divided into two parts, that is, part A and B. It reflects the division on the funding of the schedule. The part A gets funding from a part of the taxation of social security benefits and payroll taxes. The areas covered by part A include hospice services, some home health care, inpatient hospital care and skilled nursing benefits. On the other hand, part B covers outpatient hospital care, some health care, ambulatory services, physician and associated services. For individuals who qualify for type A receives the

The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity Assignment

The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity - Assignment Example There were pros and cons to the process, however. They are expressed as strong and weak points of the process, positive and negative experiences as well as positive and negative feelings. The process was strong in that we all had great ideas to proffer to our project, but weak in that we had a difficult time discerning which ideas to implement. Furthermore, the positive experience was that we were able to bring it all together in the end. The negative experience was that often times some of the group was hearing the other members but not really listening to them. His elicited some negative feelings along the way. When waves off the opinions of others as unimportant, it creates feelings of opposition instead of cooperation. In the end, however, the completion of our project made everyone feel accomplished. These are some of the dualistic challenges one meets while working with others. We achieved our aims, but if I had another chance, I would like to change how we approached the recommendations. Nevertheless, I have obtained useful expertise from the project such as understanding how a major global enterprise has implemented innovation not only to survive but also to prevail in business.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary - Essay Example In this part, Yagelski and Miller focuses on discussing the meaning and essence of an argument, and as well as how to analyze the different kinds of arguments that they may read or encounter, in which they argued that analyzing both the argument itself and the audience is important (Yagelski and Miller 100-140). Some of the most important concepts that Yagelski and Miller illustrated include understanding what is an argument and its purposes, the different contexts present in argumentation, and as well as the different kinds of argumentation in relation with how they are presented in tri-media—that is, print, visual and electronic. The second part of the book tried to illustrate the basic concepts of composing an argument. In this case, the authors discussed the different models of argumentation, including the different meanings of ethos, pathos and logos and how they are utilized on argumentation, the basics of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation, and as well as evaluating cla ims and warrants. ... Here, Yagelski and Miller asserted that while managing how to compose is important, the expectations of the audience is as equally important, and that it must always be taken into consideration whenever making an argument (Yagelski and Miller 317-345). In addition, the authors added that doing solid research is also important in making a solid argument, especially when one is able to make a comprehensive structure of arguments according to credible evidences. While doing research may determine a lot on how to make an argument credible and believable, properly documenting the different sources that were used also plays an important part. In fact, both Yagelski and Miller confirms that while good sources may make an argument credible and believable, utilizing bad sources can also destroy the credibility of an argument (Yagelski and Miller 427-451). In order to make research and documentation scholarly, the authors presented the different ways on documenting sources, including the MLA a nd APA style. The last part of the book tries to illustrate the different kinds of arguments, presenting different pieces of arguments in very hot issues such as gun control, immigration control, AIDS, and even literary criticism. In this part of the book, Yagelski and Miller claimed that while different styles of argument are used in every context of argumentation, anyone can still make a solid argument in any issue as long as the argument is actually grounded in solid research, has been constructed clearly, systematically and strategically, and has met the expectations of the audience in a way that gained their sympathy and belief (Yagelski and Miller 600-678). The nice thing about this part of the book is that it presents the readers a wide

1. What is meant by 'value' and how it is different from 'principle' Assignment

1. What is meant by 'value' and how it is different from 'principle' 2. Plan on how you will enhance your 'interpersonal skills' - Assignment Example Interpersonal skills generate effective channels in the external environment of a given individual. Developing interpersonal skills requires building rigid relationships between family members, neighbors and workers. This process entails reciprocating favors, appreciating existing relationship within given environments (Wright, 2007). Ethical behavior dictates individual position within a society. Team unity originates from reliable ethical behavior and professionalism. Various organizations demand various levels of interpersonal relations. Identifying personal goals builds focus on decisive directions for an individual or group. Empathy is a virtue that promotes interpersonal skills and depicts equality and generosity. Personal ethics require a routine regulation to improve interpersonal skills. This development mandates an assessment of individual ethics. As such integrity plays a significant role towards developing behavior and character. Developing exceptional character entails evaluating individual deeds based on the effect on other people’s lives. Conflict resolution is an indicator of developing interpersonal skills. Rendtorff, J. D. (2010). Power And Principle In The Market Place On Ethics And Economics. Farnham, Surrey, England, Ashgate.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The History Subjects For Students Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Essay

The History Subjects For Students Kindergarten Through Grade 12 . African-Americans in Historic Perspective - Essay Example The idea of National Standards seemed to offer a way of composing a coherent narrative of American development and of establishing clear expectations of the historical knowledge to be acquired by students."1 The idea of developing standards in all subjects of K-12 grade picked up pace in 1990 when the then Bush administration launched the National Education Goals aimed at inter alia, "a new standard for an educated citizenry, one suitable for the next century.America can meet this challenge if our society is dedicated to a renaissance in education."2 These goals were determined in realization of the findings that the standard of education in the United States was not at par with other nations where students coming out of universities were more knowledgeable, better trained and creative. The National Education Goals initiative gave itself a time period of ten years, that is, by year 2000 when students in America will deal with their subjects in a more competent manner in that they will be more creative and better able to apply their mind to learning. The subjects students would learn with this new approach included English, mathematics, science, geography and more importantly history. The reasons behind setting these goals was nothing but preparing students for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in a modern economy. The 1983 report, A Nation at Risk also warned of a rapid decline in American students' academic achievements. But the truth, says Kevin Kosar in his new book Failing Grades, is that mediocrity "is not rising: it has been high for at least three decades."3 This chapter will look into the process of setting standards for the history subjects for students Kindergarten through Grade 12 and the notion of inclusion (and exclusion) in the American story with particular reference to the African-Americans. While the philosophy of what can safely be called rewriting the American history is that it does not necessarily have to be a narrative of extraordinary people and events but the ordinary people and ordinary events were as much important.Although the National History Standards initiative had bipartisan support and the process a dopted a participatory approach, the right-wing decided to take a snipe at the mention of certain people and events such as the Ku Klux Klan and McCarthyism and inclusion of African-Americans. The objection was also on presenting America's African heritage at the cost of down-grading the European heritage. The National Centre for History at the University of California Los Angeles was mandated with the task for formulating the National History Standards under the guidance of the National Council for History Standard